I was introduced to it through Mitch Snyder. When Mitch met me it was after i just had surgery, we met at my local coffee shop which was 3 hours away from where he was from. We ended up sitting there for 3+ hours just talking and getting to know each other. Towards the last like 10- 15 mins he decided to start to tell me about Techno Tutor.
At first I was a little unsure about it but after i went to the event San Diego Enter the 1% from Self-Perfected thats when it all changed. I came home from the event and my wife literally told me i seemed so different, before me going to the event I was always smoking weed. All the time, the event and the people at the event help me realized that I did not need to suppress myself by smoking weed and drinking any more. So when I came home I decided enough was enough and stopped smoking weed and drinking.
Here I am a year later sober and in the best condition of my life. All this change literally came just from me finding the right community to be apart of, I still did not have Techno Tutor at this time.
I knew through that after THAT event I needed it in my life. I then did what I needed to do to get it no matter what. After about a month of me having it and staying involved in the community with the support from everyone around me I started to ask more questions about how I could use it for my job.
Mitch then showed me great ways to do so and with in the next 2 months i went from making $4,000 a month to $8,000. Then it went from $8,000 a month to almost $12,000 in a single month. At this moment in time I realized I had made the right decision. Proceeding me making more money I wanted to improve my relationship with my wife (Kayla) and son (Miloh).
Once again I brought it up to Mitch and stayed consistent with being involved in the group. They showed me that being a good husband and father was more then just being in the same house hold. Me and my wife used to stay up for hours through out the night just fighting and arguing until I would always threaten that I needed to leave or that we were not meant for each other.
Without the power of Techno Tutor my wife would of left me, I was verbally abusive to both her and my son. With my son I use to believe in the power of using authority, my dad was very strict when he was around and I would implement spankings and yelling the same way my dad would to me.
This soon made him very afraid of me, to the point were no matter what I was doing if I raised my voice he would cower and hide. Techno Tutor helped me realize this was not a normal thing and with the power of the group and Techno tutor it showed me how to understand all the trauma I was instilling in him from the trauma I had in my self. I was able to work a lot of the trauma out of myself and now I have a wonderful relationship with my son.
These are just a few stories that have happened to me from the power of Techno Tutor, I could go on and on but these have been major turning points in my life that have changed my life forever and I will be eternally grateful for this tool that has changed me and my family’s life forever. Thank You Techno Tutor!